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Is to celebrate the men and women who have come before us in the sport many enjoy. NASCAR is for all Americans. We want to entertain and share with the readers who are family and friends. Let’s help each other grow the sport of NASCAR and share stories that will empower and lift one another up.  Please help me put together a great website and share with me your photos, stories and experiences. 

No doubt there was a first to race in NASCAR. Some say it was this man, Elias Bowie, others say, Charlie Scott, and then many say it was Wendell Scott. NASCAR historian Ken Martin gives credit to Bowie for a race he finished in 27th place at the Bay Meadows. In the race were Lee Petty, Marvin Panch, and Buck Baker. This beats Charlie Scott’s record by six months according to NASCAR. 

Wendell Scott’s family says that Scott was racing in the Carolinas and Virginia in the 40s. And there is no doubt that Scott is the first to win a race in NASCAR. 

Photo credit Craig Manson